uOttawa Carpool Groups

About Carpool Groups

As a uOttawa Registered Carpool Group you become eligible for Preferential Parking and Emergency Ride Home services, described below. Each Carpool Group must designate a Carpool Captain who is responsible for paying the parking pass fees and who acts as a contact person for the Carpool Group. You can register your carpool group by .

Preferential Parking:

Registered Carpool Groups can have their choice of parking spot reserved for them in the parking lot for which they have a permit. We will put a sign at this spot designating it as reserved between 7:00 and 15:00. After 15:00, if these spaces are vacant, holders of regular parking permits for the lot in question can use them.

Carpool groups using Preferential Parking spaces must clearly display a valid carpool permit. Unauthorized use of these spaces will result in a parking infraction notice.

If ever all Preferential Parking spaces are being used by other carpool groups in a specific parking lot, the carpool permit may be used in a regular parking space in that same parking lot. Carpoolers must use the preferential parking spaces reserved in their designated lot only.

For more details, see our Carpool Policy.

Emergency Ride Home:

In case of an emergency that requires a carpool member to leave work early, uOttawa will reimburse up to $50 in taxi fare for that person to get home, as many as four times per year. This eliminates the fear of being “stranded” on campus without a vehicle in case a family member requires care or other personal emergencies. Examples of such cases include:

  • Illness or emergency on the part of carpooler or his/her family member
  • The driver of the carpool group must leave (with the vehicle used by the group) due to his/her own illness or for an immediate family member emergency;
  • Unscheduled emergency overtime on campus.

Side trips are allowed on the way home provided they are related to the emergency in question (for example, picking up a sick child at daycare or school).

To obtain reimbursements, members must:

  • Pay the taxi fare and request a receipt (tips are not covered);
  • Complete the Emergency Ride Home Reimbursement (pdf) form;
  • Return the Emergency Ride Home Reimbursement form in person, within ten business days, to the Parking and Sustainable Transportation division, together with the original receipt. Original receipts must be provided, otherwise reimbursement will be denied.
  • Reimbursement will be made by cheque, within ten business days of the date at which the request for reimbursement is received at the Parking and Sustainable Transportation division.

The Parking and Sustainable Transportation division may require further proof before issuing reimbursements or may refuse reimbursement if the emergency is deemed ineligible.

For more details please see our full uOttawa Carpool Policy.